“…he hasn’t commanded me to worship him because I refuse.”
This proves your free will. You can refuse. I never said you couldn’t.
It’s not a threat, because I don’t have the power to punish you. It’s a warning, because I know that this path leads to destruction.
For instance, if you take drugs, you’ll get addicted and ruin your life. I’m not threatening to punish you with addiction. I’m warning you about the dangerous consequences of your beliefs and actions.
Whether you believe me or not is inconsequential. Whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant to the outcome.
And an arrogant person is one who has a “exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities” (Google). That’s the exact opposite of what having a Catholic belief calls for.
I have God. I recognise a higher authority than myself or humanity as a whole. I am subject to His will and strive to live by His commands in everything I do.
A person who does whatever they feel like is arrogant. A person who is unwilling to bend to the will of God is arrogant. They think “they’re all that.” At the very least, they think a man-made idea or false belief is greater than the Creator of all things, visible and invisible.
Such a person should repent and humble themselves before the Creator.
This is the message. You can choose it or reject it. But your choices will have inevitable and inescapable consequences.