The Church’s faith is what I defend, not the actions of Catholics. It doesn’t matter in whose name they did it. What matters is that the Church has never taught or approved violence from the Chair of Saint Peter.
And the Church refers to us on earth as the “Church Militant” for a reason. We fight, not to punch people in the face or to kill them, but to destroy every heresy and appearance of evil. To break the bonds of satan and to set captives free.
We fight through our thoughts, words, and actions, putting on the entire Armour of God.
Hate is a necessary part of this equation for it is the other side of Love’s coin. We cannot love righteousness if we don’t hate sin. God Himself hates, and this truth is written all over scriptures.
A placid tolerance of every filth on the face of the earth is neither love nor kindness. It is wickedness, or ignorance at best. We cannot lead people to heaven if we are not willing to condemn the things that drag them to hell.
Is there truth? Speak it! Are there lies? Expose them. Let your life echo the Gospel, and let your very existence be Christ.
This is the Way.